How to Use the WPForce Tool for WordPress Attack Automation in Kali Linux

Install WPForce Tool

WPForce is a powerful tool for WordPress attack automation in Kali Linux. It is designed to automate brute-force attacks on WordPress websites and can be used to gain access to the admin panel. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure WPForce in Kali Linux.

To install WPForce, open a terminal window and type the following command:

git clone

This will download the WPForce tool to your system. Once the download is complete, navigate to the WPForce directory and run the setup script:

cd WPForce

This will install the necessary dependencies and configure the tool. Once the installation is complete, you can start using WPForce to automate WordPress attacks.

Download the WPForce Tool

In order to use the WPForce tool for WordPress attack automation in Kali Linux, you must first download the tool. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command: git clone This will download the WPForce tool to your Kali Linux machine. Once the download is complete, you can move on to configuring the tool.

Configure the WPForce Tool

In order to use the WPForce tool for WordPress attack automation in Kali Linux, you must first configure it. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command: sudo wpforce --configure. This will open a configuration window where you can enter the necessary information for the tool to work. You will need to enter the URL of the WordPress site you want to attack, the username and password of the WordPress administrator, and the IP address of the server you want to attack. Once you have entered all the necessary information, click the “Save” button to save the configuration.

Once the configuration is saved, you can now run the WPForce tool. To do this, type the following command in the terminal window: sudo wpforce --run. This will start the attack and the tool will begin to scan the WordPress site for vulnerabilities. Once the scan is complete, the tool will generate a report which you can analyze to determine the security of the WordPress site.

Run the WPForce Tool

Now that you have installed and configured the WPForce tool, you can run it to perform an automated WordPress attack. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command: wpforce -u [username] -p [password] -t [target]. Replace [username] with the username of the WordPress account you want to attack, [password] with the password you want to use, and [target] with the URL of the WordPress site you want to attack. Once you have entered the command, press enter to run the WPForce tool.

The WPForce tool will then attempt to log into the WordPress site using the username and password you provided. If the login is successful, the tool will then attempt to gain access to the WordPress site's database. If the attack is successful, the tool will display the results in the terminal window.

It is important to note that the WPForce tool is not always successful in gaining access to a WordPress site. If the attack fails, the tool will display an error message in the terminal window. In this case, you may need to try a different username and password combination or use a different attack tool.

Once you have analyzed the results of the WPForce tool, you can then take the necessary steps to secure your WordPress site. For more information on how to secure your WordPress site, please refer to the Kali Linux WordPress Security Guide.

Analyze the Results

Once you have run the WPForce tool, you can analyze the results. The tool will output a list of usernames and passwords that have been successfully cracked. You can use this information to gain access to the WordPress site. To analyze the results, you can use the cat command to view the output file. You can also use the grep command to search for specific usernames or passwords. Additionally, you can use the sort command to sort the output file by username or password. Once you have analyzed the results, you can use the information to gain access to the WordPress site.

cat output.txt
grep username output.txt
sort -k 2 output.txt

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